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添加时间2024-08-03 浏览:5人次 TDK更新时间:2024-08-27

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备案号 沪ICP备08010247号 备案主体 万得信息技术股份有限公司
备案类型 企业 审核时间 2020-04-03
百度权重 移动权重 360权重 神马权重 搜狗权重 头条权重 更新权重

    本站提供的Wind资讯官网信息,均来源于互联网。我们致力于确保所有收录内容在收录时均符合法律法规。本站严格遵守版权法,尊重著作权人的合法权益。 若发现收录内容存在侵权或违法行为,请及时与我们联系。我们将迅速采取措施,断开相关链接并彻底删除侵权内容。请注意,由于网站域名可能经历过期、删除或重新注册等变更,原有链接可能不再代表本站立场。 我们不声明也不保证链接内容的准确性和可靠性。访问者应自行判断链接内容,并对其访问行为负责。如有风险,由访问者自行承担。 我们提醒所有用户:请遵守国家法律法规,谨慎选择并访问网络链接。

    Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading provider of financial information services in China, and an indispensable partner for lots of securities companies, fund management corporations, insurance companies, banks, investment firms, and media. Globally, Wind is also favored by widely used by qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Wind’s clients also include well-known financial academic research institutions and media agencies. Wind’s data is also frequently cited by authoritative Chinese and English media, research reports, and academic papers. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind’s data covers stocks, bonds, funds, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, commodities, macroeconomics, and financial news. Wind meets the needs of institutional investors by timely update. To satisfy different clients in financial industry such as investment institutions, research institutions, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies, Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications. Through these terminal tools, users can obtain timely, accurate and complete financial data, information and various analysis results from Wind on a 24x7x365 basis. Wind closely follows the ever-changing financial market and continues to develop and extend into new areas, providing customers with faster, broader, and deeper data and information services. Sharing the value of data, Wind has the vision to be a global company that makes data available at your fingertips.